About Me
Get To Know Me!
My name is Belen. it could been Maria but my mother wanted my name to be different from the rest of my family including family from Mexico. My name stands for "Bethlehem" which is a star or "house of Bread".
One of my likes is coloring, I love coloring and its so relaxing until I go over the line or my marker bleeds pass the line. Overall I love coloring especially the Bobbie goods coloring pages, those pages are so relaxing and you could give any of the character unique colors, lite different shape and sizes of spots or come people are creative and add patterns to like blank pillows, blankets, curtain, to even adding texture to the walls and so on. and that what I like about them.
Another thing I like is baking, as of lately I have been into it and me and my little brother have so much fun but create such a big mess. The thing I like baking the most is cookies, I feel like you could never go wrong with some cookies. I personally prefer sugar over any other cookies. I have also started to make pizza from scratch and I would of said that was my favorite but it has to be second because that gets messy.